Friday, September 28, 2012

Fabulous Fall!

I can't believe that autumn is upon us already!  Our class is entering the fall season with great expectations of fun curriculum that is coming on to see what we're up to!

In math this week, we have been working on our first geometry mini-unit.  During this unit, students have studied the properties of different shapes and practiced measuring the sides and perimeters of the shapes.  We will be wrapping up this short unit on Tuesday and beginning our next main unit on Wednesday.  Unit 3 involves looking at the many different types of story problems.  We will be focusing not only on basic addition and subtraction story problems, but also on comparison problems, missing partner problems, 2-step story problems, and problems with hidden or extra information.  In the weeks ahead, as you work on homework with your child, please encourage him or her to "think like a teacher" and "look for clues like a detective".  In class, we will be spending a lot of time, not only on answering story problems, but on explaining problems in a way that proves understanding and searching for key words and clues in problems.  The goal is for students to deepen their understanding of these problems in a way that will help him or her with other problem-solving situations during the school year and beyond.  Let me know, as always, if you have any questions.

I am excited to report that this first week of reading groups was a success!  Hopefully you saw a book or two come home with your child for extra practice.  As we get further into the school year, most 2nd grade students will be bringing home written activities to go with their reading books.  2nd grade is a big transition year, with more of a focus on detailed writing about reading.  Please encourage your child to read with expression, use strategies to decode difficult words, and to re-tell information with details.  Let me know if you need help coming up with ideas to challenge your young reader at home!  Thank you to all of those who have been sending in weekly spelling homework with your child.  Students who regularly practice spelling words correctly have a much easier time incorporating strong spelling strategies into everyday writing, which is the goal.  I have many fun, printable spelling practice activities at school and would be happy to pass them on to you, if you are looking for ideas.

Now that we are more than a month into the school year, we are gearing up to start some exciting writing projects!  Starting next week, Mrs. Fredrickson will be working with our class to launch our first research project of the year.  This year's 2nd grade students will be teaming up to make a "Haunted Zoo" display in the library that is full of creepy creatures!  During the course of this project, students will be working hard on developing sentence-writing skills, researching using non-fiction text, putting information into their own words, and editing and revising their work.  I can't wait to see the display when it is completed!

Thank you for helping your child study for this week's first science test!  I will be looking over the butterfly/moth tests this weekend and will let your child know his or her score early next week.  We are now entering our next major health unit.  During this unit, students will be learning about the different body systems.  We will be doing several experiments and projects and will wrap up the unit, of course, with the skeletal system just in time for Halloween!  Be sure to take some time this weekend to have your child teach you about the digestive system.  We had a lot of fun this afternoon with a couple of science experiments to tie in with this body system.  This would also be a good time, if your child gets some computer time at home, to check out some of the health links to the right of this blog post.  The Kids' Health website has tons of great videos about the body systems, games, word searches, and more.

As we prepare for Halloween in our classroom, we will be finding time for some seasonal projects and activities.  Over the next few weeks, your child will learn about bats and echolocation, the skeleton, and how to write a descriptive paragraph about pumpkins using the five senses.  We will be looking for some parents to donate an item or two for these projects.  Please see the accompanying e-mail if you would like to help out.

As always, thank you for all that you do!  Your children have been such a pleasure to work with, and I really appreciate their willingness to help me out in the classroom during this exciting time in my family's life.  We are in for an exciting year in 2nd grade!  Please make note of the following dates in your calendars, and have a wonderful weekend!

October 2 - Family Bingo Night

October 3 - Walk/Bike to school day (many teachers, including myself, will be out and about in the surrounding neighborhoods that morning, so be sure to look for us!)

October 19 - No school - Professional development

October 24 - October birthday breakfast (we will avoid the last Wednesday this month, due to Halloween)

October 31 - Halloween parade and party...information to come soon

November 2 - No school

November 7-8 - Conferences...I can't wait to meet with all of you!

November 9 - No School

November 21-23 - Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy these days with your family.

* Please remember to sign your child's behavior calendar each night to let me know that you were able to take a moment to look through your child's daily folder...this is the only way for your child to earn stars on his or her behavior charts at school.  Please encourage your child to keep track of behavior calendars.  Starting in October, there will be consequences for students who routinely lose their calendars, leave their folders at school, or forget to get their calendars signed or initialed by an adult at home.

*  We have library check-out each Tuesday.

*  One piece of spelling homework is due each week between Wednesday and the following Tuesday.

*  Fridays at Langston Hughes are Bobcat Blue days.

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