Friday, April 30, 2010

The Williams "Cool it Down!" Smoothie

It has been a great Wellness Week here at Langston Hughes! As part of the festivities, each class in the school wrote and tested an original smoothie recipe to be submitted to a panel of judges. The first place prize went to Mrs. King's 5th grade class, but the students and I thought our smoothie was pretty fantastic as well. They asked me to share the recipe with here it is!

Side note - Our field trip to the zoo has been tentatively re-scheduled for Tuesday, May 11. I will let you know when this date becomes official. We will be in need of one, possibly two, new parent volunteers due to scheduling, so let me know if you are interested and we will attempt to fill those spots. Admission cost is $6 for adult sponsors.

The Williams "Cool it Down!" Smoothie
By 2W

3/4 cup pineapple juice
3/4 cup vanilla soymilk
3/4 cup 100% carrot juice
2 ice cubes
1 banana
1 cup frozen mango chunks
5 frozen strawberries
2 cups frozen raspberries

1. Combine liquids in a cup and pour into blender.
2. Add ice and fruits.
3. Blend until smooth.
4. Serve with a raspberry garnish.
5. Enjoy!

Important...Zoo Trip Postponed

Due to weather conditions today, our field trip to the Kansas City Zoo is being rescheduled for next Friday, May 7. More details will be posted when we have them regarding times, etc. Thanks so much for your understanding!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reptile and Amphibian Study Guide

Tomorrow, students will be assessed on the knowledge they have acquired during the past few weeks on herps (reptiles and amphibians). We spent some time reviewing in class today, but it would be great if you could help your son or daughter study at home tonight as well! It has been great to see so much interest in these animals in our classroom...we may have a few future herpatologists in 2nd grade!

Students will need to know the following information:

Differences and similarities of reptiles and amphibians. They will need to know how both types of animals breathe and move, as well as where they live, where they lay their eggs, and what they eat. Students should be able to sort animals into like groups, as well as describe the differences in their skin, appearance, etc. Please see the links to the side titled "reptile information" and "amphibian information" for ideas.

The life cycle of a frog (please see the link to the side).

Similarities and differences of crocodiles and alligators (please see the crocodile/alligator link to the side).

Students should also be able to tell additional information of their choice that they have learned in written form...some ideas would be the differences between frogs and toads, information about a specific reptile or amphibian, or habitat information.

Please see the e-mail I sent out this afternoon for reminders about our zoo field trip and upcoming math unit. Have a great week!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wetlands Reminder

Please remember that students will be visiting the Baker Wetlands next Monday, April 19. We will leave the school at 12:00 and arrive back at Langston around 2:45. Students need to wear long pants and shoes appropriate for walking (no flip flops, sandals, etc.) If you would like for your child to wear bug spray, it must be applied before school. If you would like for your child to wear sunscreen, he or she may bring it to school and apply it before we leave.

Also, the 2nd grade music program will be on Tuesday the 20th. Students should report to their classrooms at 7:15. The program begins at 7:30. Please see my e-mail from earlier this week about what students should plan to wear.

It has continued being a great April in our classroom! Students have shown a lot of interest in reptiles and amphibians, and continue to work hard on their animal research projects. Many students are beginning to work on their glossaries and indexes. You are going to love reading through these fantastic books in just a couple of weeks!

In math, we are now studying 3-D shapes. Please discuss the propterties of the following shapes with your child:
rectangular prism
triangular prism
rectangular pyramid
triangular pyramid

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 2, 2010

2nd Grade Herpetologists!

Well, it looks like April has gotten off to a wet start here in Lawrence! I think that everyone is excited to see that spring has sprung...even with the rain!

This week, 2nd graders wrapped up their world travels and were assessed on their knowledge of maps, landforms, and the 7 continents. Everyone did an awesome job! Thank you so much for helping your 2nd grader study and learn at home. It was great to see so much enthusiasm as we journeyed the world! In science, we are now moving into a month-long study of amphibians and reptiles. Yesterday and today, students compared and contrasted these two types of animals and did some sorting. Next week, we will jump right in (haha!) with a study of frogs! I will look for some fun website links about amphibians and reptiles to post on our blog this weekend, so stay tuned!

This week we also completed our math unit on geometry. Today we took a break for a problem-solving math Easter egg hunt, and we will begin our study of area on Monday.

I hope that your child has been keeping you informed about our latest writing project....a non-fiction research book on animals! Each child has been assigned a partner and is working hard on researching an animal of his or her choice. This week, we completed the note-taking process. Next week will be spent with a review of paragraphs, an overview of the 6-trait writing model, and putting together of rough drafts. Students are doing a great job...I think we are going to have some animal experts in our room when this project is complete!

Please remember that our class will be attending the Baker Wetlands on April 19 and the Kansas City Zoo on April 30. Information will be coming home about the Baker Wetlands next week. If you have not sent in a permission slip or $6 admission with your child for the zoo trip, please do so on Monday. We are still missing several, and need to get the admission money sent in. Volunteers for the 2 trips are as follows:

Baker Wetlands - Colleen Evans, Amanda Carlson, Julee Goeser, Eve Loos, Gail O'Conner

Kansas City Zoo - Marcie Martinez, Rodney Eklund, Colleen Evans, Shannon Corcoran, Julee Goeser

If you see your name on this list and are not able to attend the field trip listed, please let me know as soon as possible. If you are volunteering for the zoo field trip, please remember to send your $6 admission along with your child's. Thanks, and I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!