Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Holidays!

It is so hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a close! I have really enjoyed working with your children these past 4 and a half months. They are such a respectful and enthusiastic group, and I will be looking forward to seeing them all again in January!

I wanted to let you know what things we will be studying in our class to kick off 2011! In math, we will be beginning a unit on data collection and graphing. Today, students were assessed on 2-digit addition, money, and number sequences. They did an excellent job! I was thrilled to hear that many students remembered to practice their math skills last night at home. Their hard work shows!

In science, 2nd graders will be starting a month-long unit of study on the weather. During this unit we will discuss the water cycle, types of precipitation, storms, wind, and types of clouds. Students will make daily weather obervations and learn about the seasons. Now that we are quickly approaching a Kansas winter, I am sure that we will have to observe during this time!

A favorite writing unit is coming up...POETRY! During the month of January, students will learn how to write couplets, shape poems, acrostic poems, cinquains, and free verse poems. We will read and listen to poems by many different authors, and students will have the chance to create their own poetry books about weather! They may even memorize a popular poem or two...stay tuned for more information on that!

Our author study for January will be Tomie dePaola. He is the well-known author of the Strega Nona books, the character "Big Anthony", and many other books...some of which tie into our study of the weather! If your child has any Tomie dePaola books and would like to share, feel free to send them in! In the month of January, we will also be starting a new favorite children's book of all time, Mr. Popper's Penguins. As we read this book, we will do some fun penguin writing activities. Reading groups will resume the first week after winter break.

During the "word work" portion of our language block, we have been working on many different skills. Since school started, we have taken this time to study parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives), syllabication, compound words, prefixes and suffixes, alphabetical order, plural nouns, and contractions. Next month, we will spend quite a bit of time talking about homophones and homographs, as well as dictionary use. These would all be excellent skills to discuss at home!

This Friday (December 17) will be our winter party. All Langston Hughes students are invited to have a "pajama day" that day.

As always, thank you for all that you do. It has been a wonderful year so far, and I look forward to a great start to 2011! Have a safe and beautiful holiday with your family, and I will see you in the new year!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Marble Party!

Happy Thursday! I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are staying warm on this first week of December! We remain very busy in 2nd is what we are studying!

In math, students continue to work on place value and two-digit addition (with and without regrouping). Students had the opportunity to design their own strategies, as well as to learn some new ones. Today, we made the connection between money (dollars, dimes, and pennies) and our math drawings (quick hundreds, ten sticks, and ones). We will contine to look at place value, money, rounding, and estimation for another few days.

We take the last three weeks of school before winter break to cover some topics in health. This week, students are studying ways to stay safe in different situations. Next week, we will take a look at how to stay well during the cold and flu season. During the week of December 13, we will discuss the dangers of drugs and practice different ways to "say no". Today, we were excited to have a guest speaker come to our classroom to review what we studied last week and the week before about Native American cultures!

I can't give you much information on our current writing project, as it is a holiday surprise...but, I can tell you that your 2nd graders are working very hard and putting together some great pieces. We continue our author study of Janell Cannon, and will be doing some work with cause and effect in some of her books next week. During our language minilessons, we are working on the use of prefixes and suffixes.

The big news in our classroom as that we have earned our third marble party of the year! After an almost unanimous decision, students will be able to wear pajamas to school tomorrow and bring a (small) stuffed animal to act as a reading buddy. We will celebrate the marble party (and the upcoming winter season!) with hot chocolate and a Janell Cannon video in the afternoon.

Thanks, as always, for all you do!