Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Wonderland!

I hope that your 2nd graders have enjoyed these past couple of snow days! I'm sure there has been much sledding, snowman-building, and hot cocoa drinking! I, also, have kind of enjoyed running around in the snow with the dog and drinking hot tea on the couch...but I am very excited to return to Langston Hughes tomorrow!

In math this week, we will continue to study data collection and analyzing of graphs. We started this unit looking at different types of pictographs. Next, we practiced putting data onto a table and solving comparison problems using the table. Later this week, we will begin to look at bar graphs. Student should be able to accurately graph information and state different facts about the graphs. Specifically, we have been working on making comparison statements using graphs and tables (for example, "Joe has 6 more snowballs than Mary"). During our daily routines in math, we continue to practice telling time and are also working on place value.

It has been so much fun starting our 2nd grade poetry unit! So far, students have been working on couplets and different types of shape poems. Be sure to check out our "Poet Tree" in the pod to see some samples on display! In the coming days, students will begin writing list poems, cinquains, and acrostic poems. Tomorrow, we will take a quick break from writing poetry to write book reviews.

We have enjoyed reading some of Tomie DePaulo's books since school resumed! Students learned that DePaulo's family is half Irish and half Italian, and that he incorporates his heritage into many of his stories. We will continue to read his books in the days to come. I also hope to start "Mr. Popper's Penguins this week! This is always a favorite...for the students, as well as for me!

What a time to begin studying weather in science! Last week, students observed some sunny and mild days. I'm sure they are going to love talking about the weather this week! Early last week, students learned about the seasons and did some writing to describe winter, spring, summer, and autumn. On Friday, the class began to learn about the different types of clouds. When our science test rolls around, 2nd graders will need to know about cumulus, cumulonimbus, stratus, and cirrus clouds. This week, we will continue our study of clouds and will also begin to look at the different types of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, and hail). We will take a break from our weather unit of study on Friday to study about Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact he had on America.

There will be no school next Monday, January 17 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) or January 31 (professional development day). There will also be no school February 18 (recording/reporting day for teachers) or February 24 and 25. Conferences will be Wednesday, February 23, and Thursday, February 24. I can't believe it's almost that time again! I can't wait to share your child's progress with you!

I hope that 2011 has gotten off to a wonderful start for all of you! Have a great week!

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