Friday, April 16, 2010

Wetlands Reminder

Please remember that students will be visiting the Baker Wetlands next Monday, April 19. We will leave the school at 12:00 and arrive back at Langston around 2:45. Students need to wear long pants and shoes appropriate for walking (no flip flops, sandals, etc.) If you would like for your child to wear bug spray, it must be applied before school. If you would like for your child to wear sunscreen, he or she may bring it to school and apply it before we leave.

Also, the 2nd grade music program will be on Tuesday the 20th. Students should report to their classrooms at 7:15. The program begins at 7:30. Please see my e-mail from earlier this week about what students should plan to wear.

It has continued being a great April in our classroom! Students have shown a lot of interest in reptiles and amphibians, and continue to work hard on their animal research projects. Many students are beginning to work on their glossaries and indexes. You are going to love reading through these fantastic books in just a couple of weeks!

In math, we are now studying 3-D shapes. Please discuss the propterties of the following shapes with your child:
rectangular prism
triangular prism
rectangular pyramid
triangular pyramid

Have a great weekend!

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