Can you believe that the first trimester of this school year is drawing to a close? 2nd graders have been working hard, and I'm really looking forward to sharing their progress with you next week at conferences! Please read on for important information about this month's curriculum, as well as upcoming dates.
We are wrapping up our first unit of Reading Street this week. During this unit students have learned about different places to explore, as well at the importance of asking curious questions and seeking the answers. Comprehension skills covered during this unit included working with main idea and details, as well as discussing author's purpose. Students have explored various spelling patterns and strategies, including words with endings, consonant digraphs and blends, and short and long vowels.
We will start our next Reading Street unit this coming week. This unit is titled "Working Together". During this unit, students will explore texts in many different genres and answer questions like "How can we help each other in dangerous situations?", "How has working together changed history?" and "How can we work together to solve problems?"
Students continue meeting in their reading skill groups several times a week.
We will be wrapping up our narrative writing unit this week and next. As a class, we have been closely studying the written work of Jane Yolen and trying some of her craft moves in our writing. Students are collecting personal narratives as they navigate their way through the writing process. Next week, we will have our first publishing party! After conferences, we will begin a unit on expository writing. Over the course of this unit, students will learn about technical writing and the strategies needed to put together "how to" pieces.
The Unit 2 math test will be at the end of this week. This would be a great time to review 2-digit addition, place value, and counting coins with your 2nd grader. has some excellent activities and games for practicing these skills. Unit 3 will be on measurement and estimation.
Please remember that math homework comes home each Wednesday. Completed homework is used for a cooperative activity each Thursday morning, so it's important that students return homework on time so that they are able to participate.
Science/Social Studies:
Your 2nd grade scientists have been hard at work last week and this week, studying water and its effects on the surface of the earth! We will be wrapping up our water unit by the end of next week. Students are participating in some in-class research and lab work. We should have some great erosion models to share with you at conferences!
After conferences, we will be stepping away from science to work on Social Studies. We will be studying different inventors and the impact they have had on history. More information on this new unit will be coming soon!
Have a wonderful week!
Upcoming Dates
November 3 - Wear blue in celebration of the Royals' World Series victory this weekend!
November 6 - No School
November 11-12 - Parent Teacher Conferences
November 12-13 - No School
November 18 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy birthday, Ellie!
November 25-27 - No School - Fall Recess
December 21 - Winter Break Begins - Have a wonderful holiday season!
Monday, November 2, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
Fall Fun!
I can't believe it is already mid-October! The month seems to be flying by. Here's what's going on in our classroom for the next few weeks!
We continue our Reading Street unit on exploration. So far, students have learned what can be learned by exploring in different communities, exploring in outer space, and exploring in nature. This week, we will talk about what can be learned by exploring the desert. There are two more weeks in this unit. Please remember to look for the "refrigerator copy" of words and skills that your child brings home at the beginning of each new week. Students should be taking time each week to study their spelling words at home. This week, students are working with inflected endings (ed, s, and ing) and reviewing how to find the main ideas and detail within an expository text.
In Writer's Workshop, students continue to learn about writing personal narratives. This week, we are working on "zooming in" to a story to find its heart and adding details to make a story better. I hope your 2nd grader remembered to tell you about his or her new Tiny Topic Notebook! This is for your child to use to record ideas of things he or she would like to write about.
We started Unit 2 of Math Expressions this week. During this unit, students will learn about place value, money, and strategies for adding 2-digit numbers together. Be sure to check out the math links on the right side of this page...there are some great practice games available!
Science/Social Studies:
In addition to daily geography practice, we are studying land and water. I really enjoyed seeing the amazing posters and models that students brought in earlier this week! They enjoyed sharing them with their classmates and are looking forward to sharing them with our 5th grade book buddies on Wednesday. During the next couple of weeks, we will be studying the properties of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and learning about how water and wind can cause land erosion.
Upcoming Dates...Mark Your Calendars!
* Friday, October 16 - No school for students
* Wednesday, October 28 - Birthday Breakfast
* Friday, October 30 - Halloween parade/class parties
* Friday, November 6 - No school for students
* November 11&12 - Conferences (don't forget to sign up on Skyward)
* Friday, November 13 - No school
We continue our Reading Street unit on exploration. So far, students have learned what can be learned by exploring in different communities, exploring in outer space, and exploring in nature. This week, we will talk about what can be learned by exploring the desert. There are two more weeks in this unit. Please remember to look for the "refrigerator copy" of words and skills that your child brings home at the beginning of each new week. Students should be taking time each week to study their spelling words at home. This week, students are working with inflected endings (ed, s, and ing) and reviewing how to find the main ideas and detail within an expository text.
In Writer's Workshop, students continue to learn about writing personal narratives. This week, we are working on "zooming in" to a story to find its heart and adding details to make a story better. I hope your 2nd grader remembered to tell you about his or her new Tiny Topic Notebook! This is for your child to use to record ideas of things he or she would like to write about.
We started Unit 2 of Math Expressions this week. During this unit, students will learn about place value, money, and strategies for adding 2-digit numbers together. Be sure to check out the math links on the right side of this page...there are some great practice games available!
Science/Social Studies:
In addition to daily geography practice, we are studying land and water. I really enjoyed seeing the amazing posters and models that students brought in earlier this week! They enjoyed sharing them with their classmates and are looking forward to sharing them with our 5th grade book buddies on Wednesday. During the next couple of weeks, we will be studying the properties of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and learning about how water and wind can cause land erosion.
Upcoming Dates...Mark Your Calendars!
* Friday, October 16 - No school for students
* Wednesday, October 28 - Birthday Breakfast
* Friday, October 30 - Halloween parade/class parties
* Friday, November 6 - No school for students
* November 11&12 - Conferences (don't forget to sign up on Skyward)
* Friday, November 13 - No school
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
September Happenings
It was so wonderful meeting with you all on Thursday night! I hope that you found the information presented to be helpful. If you were unable to attend curriculum night, please look over the yellow packet your child brought home and let me know what questions you have or what clarification you need.
I can't believe that today is already the first day of September! It's been so much fun getting to know my new students over the past couple of weeks. We are slowly settling into our normal routine, and many students are coming to school ready to work hard and to learn! Please read on for information about upcoming curriculum and events.
This week, we are working on finishing MAP and Aimsweb testing. These results will be used as we start putting together our guided reading groups (hopefully in the next couple of weeks). Next week, we are hoping to start diving into the new Reading Street program that our district has adopted. The first unit is called "The Twin Club". During the first week, we will be reading about and exploring different communities. I will send information home about spelling/vocabulary lists, as well as any other at-home connections that may be helpful to you, as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I learn the new program and figure out how to best implement it in our classroom.
I would like to begin the narrative unit of our Units of Study program the week of September 14. This week, students are working on composing written responses to books by Kevin Henkes. We've been using his books about friendship and feelings to lead discussions about class expectations in the way we treat other people. Students are also showing me their writing abilities in their daily morning journals, as well as in written responses to a variety of curriculum-based questions throughout the day.
We are a few days into Unit 1 in math. During this unit, students will look at many different strategies for solving addition, subtraction, and missing partner problems. We will also get into a variety of types of word problems. As I tell the class job right now is to expose them to a variety of math problem solving strategies. Their job is to practice the different strategies but, ultimately, to pick the strategies that make the most sense to them. As you see math homework pages coming home (on Wednesdays...our first one will be tomorrow), feel free to work with your child on additional strategies that you believe may be helpful to them. We pretested Unit 1 earlier this week, and should be ready to start our first round of leveled math groups next week.
Science/Social Studies:
We have been using this block of our schedule for team building exercises. We've also been working with our health textbook to learn about feelings and good citizenship. Students did an excellent job today practicing reading a passage and then responding to comprehension questions in writing.
Additional Items:
* The schedule you were originally given listed Mondays as our library checkout days. Due to a scheduling problem, we have switched times with another class and will now be checking out books on Thursdays.
* Thank you for continuing to talk with your 2nd grade student about appropriate behavior at school. We continue to discuss respectful listening and personal responsibility in our classroom. I really appreciate your support with these conversations at home.
* Please check the newsletter that was e-mailed by the office last week. Attached, there is a flier with information about Grandparent's Day on the 11th. Please print this off and send it back to me if your child is planning on bringing a guest.
* Thank you to everyone who has helped our class out with Clorox wipes, baggies, and mechanical pencils!
* I'll be sending out information about opportunities for volunteering in our classroom soon. Thanks for your patience!
As always, thank you for your support! I look forward to working with all of you this school year. Have a GREAT evening!
I can't believe that today is already the first day of September! It's been so much fun getting to know my new students over the past couple of weeks. We are slowly settling into our normal routine, and many students are coming to school ready to work hard and to learn! Please read on for information about upcoming curriculum and events.
This week, we are working on finishing MAP and Aimsweb testing. These results will be used as we start putting together our guided reading groups (hopefully in the next couple of weeks). Next week, we are hoping to start diving into the new Reading Street program that our district has adopted. The first unit is called "The Twin Club". During the first week, we will be reading about and exploring different communities. I will send information home about spelling/vocabulary lists, as well as any other at-home connections that may be helpful to you, as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I learn the new program and figure out how to best implement it in our classroom.
I would like to begin the narrative unit of our Units of Study program the week of September 14. This week, students are working on composing written responses to books by Kevin Henkes. We've been using his books about friendship and feelings to lead discussions about class expectations in the way we treat other people. Students are also showing me their writing abilities in their daily morning journals, as well as in written responses to a variety of curriculum-based questions throughout the day.
We are a few days into Unit 1 in math. During this unit, students will look at many different strategies for solving addition, subtraction, and missing partner problems. We will also get into a variety of types of word problems. As I tell the class job right now is to expose them to a variety of math problem solving strategies. Their job is to practice the different strategies but, ultimately, to pick the strategies that make the most sense to them. As you see math homework pages coming home (on Wednesdays...our first one will be tomorrow), feel free to work with your child on additional strategies that you believe may be helpful to them. We pretested Unit 1 earlier this week, and should be ready to start our first round of leveled math groups next week.
Science/Social Studies:
We have been using this block of our schedule for team building exercises. We've also been working with our health textbook to learn about feelings and good citizenship. Students did an excellent job today practicing reading a passage and then responding to comprehension questions in writing.
Additional Items:
* The schedule you were originally given listed Mondays as our library checkout days. Due to a scheduling problem, we have switched times with another class and will now be checking out books on Thursdays.
* Thank you for continuing to talk with your 2nd grade student about appropriate behavior at school. We continue to discuss respectful listening and personal responsibility in our classroom. I really appreciate your support with these conversations at home.
* Please check the newsletter that was e-mailed by the office last week. Attached, there is a flier with information about Grandparent's Day on the 11th. Please print this off and send it back to me if your child is planning on bringing a guest.
* Thank you to everyone who has helped our class out with Clorox wipes, baggies, and mechanical pencils!
* I'll be sending out information about opportunities for volunteering in our classroom soon. Thanks for your patience!
As always, thank you for your support! I look forward to working with all of you this school year. Have a GREAT evening!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The Final Stretch!
Well, here we are, a few days into the month of May! This school year has gone so quickly. I can't begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed watching your 2nd graders blossom. It has been a wonderful year! Please look over the following information about the last 3 weeks of school and, as always, let me know if you have any questions.
Math: We have finished up Unit 7 in math. For the next several days, students will be reviewing some 2nd grade skills (telling time, counting money, working with fractions, etc.), as well as pre-learning some 3rd grade skills (multiplication and division). If you are interested in resources to work with your child at home this summer, let me know!
Language Arts: We have wrapped up reading groups for the school year and are currently working on whole-group literacy activities using shared literature. Students still receive Daily 5 time each day, and small groups of students are participating in fluency practice and word work with me. Next week, our morning Language Arts block will be used for our "Teach the Class" projects. Please make sure your child has returned his or her form letting me know what he or she plans to teach by tomorrow. I will have a teaching schedule to you by Friday.
Writing: Our opinion writing unit ended last week. I saw a lot of growth in the 2nd graders' ability to state an opinion in a convincing way and support the opinion with detailed reasons and examples. We are wrapping up the school year with a short unit on poetry writing. This would be a great time to share some poetry books at home with your child!
Science: Our last science unit is on animals and their habitats, plants and their biomes, and how they all work together in different ecosystems. Our class is focusing on desert, wetland, ocean, and grassland ecosystems. This week, each child is researching an animal that lives in one of those four ecosystems. Please check your e-mail in a couple of days for information about an at-home project involving the animal your child is researching.
Please make note of the following dates in your calendars if you are not already done so. Again, thank you so much for your help and support in our classroom this year. I will miss you all next year, and hope to work with many of you again! Have a WONDERFUL summer!
May 6 - Book orders and "Teach the Class" forms due, National Bike to School Day
May 8 - Volunteer Coffee, Field Day
May 13 - Birthday Breakfast - June/July birthdays - Happy birthday, Ryan!
May 18 - 2nd grade trip to the Lied Center ( volunteers or payment needed)
May 20 - Summer Book Club forms due
May 21 - Last day of school (half day). Have a great summer!
Math: We have finished up Unit 7 in math. For the next several days, students will be reviewing some 2nd grade skills (telling time, counting money, working with fractions, etc.), as well as pre-learning some 3rd grade skills (multiplication and division). If you are interested in resources to work with your child at home this summer, let me know!
Language Arts: We have wrapped up reading groups for the school year and are currently working on whole-group literacy activities using shared literature. Students still receive Daily 5 time each day, and small groups of students are participating in fluency practice and word work with me. Next week, our morning Language Arts block will be used for our "Teach the Class" projects. Please make sure your child has returned his or her form letting me know what he or she plans to teach by tomorrow. I will have a teaching schedule to you by Friday.
Writing: Our opinion writing unit ended last week. I saw a lot of growth in the 2nd graders' ability to state an opinion in a convincing way and support the opinion with detailed reasons and examples. We are wrapping up the school year with a short unit on poetry writing. This would be a great time to share some poetry books at home with your child!
Science: Our last science unit is on animals and their habitats, plants and their biomes, and how they all work together in different ecosystems. Our class is focusing on desert, wetland, ocean, and grassland ecosystems. This week, each child is researching an animal that lives in one of those four ecosystems. Please check your e-mail in a couple of days for information about an at-home project involving the animal your child is researching.
Please make note of the following dates in your calendars if you are not already done so. Again, thank you so much for your help and support in our classroom this year. I will miss you all next year, and hope to work with many of you again! Have a WONDERFUL summer!
May 6 - Book orders and "Teach the Class" forms due, National Bike to School Day
May 8 - Volunteer Coffee, Field Day
May 13 - Birthday Breakfast - June/July birthdays - Happy birthday, Ryan!
May 18 - 2nd grade trip to the Lied Center ( volunteers or payment needed)
May 20 - Summer Book Club forms due
May 21 - Last day of school (half day). Have a great summer!
Friday, April 3, 2015
April News
Wow...where did the month of March go? I can't believe we are in the second to last month of school! Please look over the following curriculum information and important dates, and let me know if you have any questions.
Today, students took their unit 6 math test. We will begin our next and final unit on Monday. During unit 7, students will study fractions, number lines, word problems, and measurements. Students will also participate in an introduction to multiplication using rectangular arrays.
Students will continue their guided reading groups until about the 1st week of May, when we stop for assessments. As always, let me know if you have questions or concerns about your child's reading level. If you are looking for new ways to support your child's reading comprehension at home, shoot me an e-mail and I can pass on some resources to you. Now is also a great time to start thinking about summer reading plans. I will be sending out a flyer in a few weeks with information about a 2-day second grade reading club that I plan to host in DeVictor Park. If you think your child would benefit from some one-on-one tutoring during the summer months in reading (or any other subject), I am happy to provide you with names of staff members who offer tutoring services.
We are plugging away at our opinion writing unit! Students continue writing opinion letters about books. During the past few weeks, our class has practiced organizing a writing piece into parts that make sense, giving supporting reasons and evidence to convince a reader that your opinion is correct, keeping your audience in mind while writing, using transition words such as "also", "another", and "for example", and using the writing process effectively. Next week, students will learn how to "award" books for different achievements.
Social Studies:
We are in the middle of our "Journey to Freedom" unit. This week and last, students studied a book on Abraham Lincoln. We used this time to review text features, identifying the main idea and details of a non-fiction text, and re-reading a text closely to learn information. Next week our class will be studying the book Lead Us to Freedom, Harriet Tubman! By the end of April, we will be ready to move on to our study of world geography and folktales from around the world.
Fun Things:
* We really enjoyed the production of Peter and the Wolf at the Lawrence Arts Center last week!
* This week was our annual Wellness Week. It was great seeing so many of you at the Fitness Fair on Tuesday! I am happy to report that our class came in 2nd place in the annual smoothie competition yesterday.
* The class has enjoyed sharing some of the "Mr. Putter and Tabby" books by Cynthia Rylant. You might want to check them out the next time you at the library!
Please make sure the following dates are on your calendars. Have a great weekend!
April 4 - Bobcat 5K
April 14 - 2nd Grade Music Program - 7:30 PM
April 21 - Kansas City Zoo trip
April 29 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy birthday, Grace!
May 8 - Field Day
May 11-15 - Teach the Class Week
May 21 - Last day of school
Today, students took their unit 6 math test. We will begin our next and final unit on Monday. During unit 7, students will study fractions, number lines, word problems, and measurements. Students will also participate in an introduction to multiplication using rectangular arrays.
Students will continue their guided reading groups until about the 1st week of May, when we stop for assessments. As always, let me know if you have questions or concerns about your child's reading level. If you are looking for new ways to support your child's reading comprehension at home, shoot me an e-mail and I can pass on some resources to you. Now is also a great time to start thinking about summer reading plans. I will be sending out a flyer in a few weeks with information about a 2-day second grade reading club that I plan to host in DeVictor Park. If you think your child would benefit from some one-on-one tutoring during the summer months in reading (or any other subject), I am happy to provide you with names of staff members who offer tutoring services.
We are plugging away at our opinion writing unit! Students continue writing opinion letters about books. During the past few weeks, our class has practiced organizing a writing piece into parts that make sense, giving supporting reasons and evidence to convince a reader that your opinion is correct, keeping your audience in mind while writing, using transition words such as "also", "another", and "for example", and using the writing process effectively. Next week, students will learn how to "award" books for different achievements.
Social Studies:
We are in the middle of our "Journey to Freedom" unit. This week and last, students studied a book on Abraham Lincoln. We used this time to review text features, identifying the main idea and details of a non-fiction text, and re-reading a text closely to learn information. Next week our class will be studying the book Lead Us to Freedom, Harriet Tubman! By the end of April, we will be ready to move on to our study of world geography and folktales from around the world.
Fun Things:
* We really enjoyed the production of Peter and the Wolf at the Lawrence Arts Center last week!
* This week was our annual Wellness Week. It was great seeing so many of you at the Fitness Fair on Tuesday! I am happy to report that our class came in 2nd place in the annual smoothie competition yesterday.
* The class has enjoyed sharing some of the "Mr. Putter and Tabby" books by Cynthia Rylant. You might want to check them out the next time you at the library!
Please make sure the following dates are on your calendars. Have a great weekend!
April 4 - Bobcat 5K
April 14 - 2nd Grade Music Program - 7:30 PM
April 21 - Kansas City Zoo trip
April 29 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy birthday, Grace!
May 8 - Field Day
May 11-15 - Teach the Class Week
May 21 - Last day of school
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
March Updates
I really enjoyed meeting with all of you last week at conferences! Your 2nd graders have shown so much growth this year, and it's been so much fun watching them learn and progress. I can't believe spring is already just a few weeks away!
This week, we began our new unit in math. During the course of this unit, students will be working with numbers up to 1,000. We will be focusing on showing 3-digit numbers in different ways, as well as adding and subtracting with these larger numbers. This would be a great time to do some counting practice at home with your child! In particular, focus on counting (by 1's, 5's, or 10's) past the next "hundred". For example, ask your child to start at 435 and count by 5's until he or she gets to 535. Pay special attention to how your child does when approaching and passing 500. A family letter is coming home today with information about this math unit.
In science, we continue our study of water. This week, students are learning about the different bodies of water. Next week, we will talk about the different landforms and how water helps form them. After this science unit, we will be doing short social studies unit on the African American journey to freedom. During this unit we will focus on the Civil War, the influence of Harriet Tubman, and the works of Langston Hughes.
During our Writer's Workshop time, we will be working on opinion writing for the next six weeks. Specifically, students will be learning how to write about opinions they have about books. This unit will focus on writing convincing letters to different audiences.
We have finished our Mr. Popper's Penguins read aloud. In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday yesterday, we are now reading a biography about Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss). Later this week, we will play a trivia game about Dr. Seuss in our classroom.
Please make note of the following dates in your calendars. As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great week!
March 16-20 - Spring Break
March 25 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy birthday Owen, Neely, and Eden!
March 27 - "Peter and the Wolf" at the Lawrence Arts Center
March 31 - Family Fitness Fair - 6:00
April 4 - Bobcat Family Fun Run - Details coming soon!
April 14 - 2nd Grade Music Program
This week, we began our new unit in math. During the course of this unit, students will be working with numbers up to 1,000. We will be focusing on showing 3-digit numbers in different ways, as well as adding and subtracting with these larger numbers. This would be a great time to do some counting practice at home with your child! In particular, focus on counting (by 1's, 5's, or 10's) past the next "hundred". For example, ask your child to start at 435 and count by 5's until he or she gets to 535. Pay special attention to how your child does when approaching and passing 500. A family letter is coming home today with information about this math unit.
In science, we continue our study of water. This week, students are learning about the different bodies of water. Next week, we will talk about the different landforms and how water helps form them. After this science unit, we will be doing short social studies unit on the African American journey to freedom. During this unit we will focus on the Civil War, the influence of Harriet Tubman, and the works of Langston Hughes.
During our Writer's Workshop time, we will be working on opinion writing for the next six weeks. Specifically, students will be learning how to write about opinions they have about books. This unit will focus on writing convincing letters to different audiences.
We have finished our Mr. Popper's Penguins read aloud. In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday yesterday, we are now reading a biography about Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss). Later this week, we will play a trivia game about Dr. Seuss in our classroom.
Please make note of the following dates in your calendars. As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great week!
March 16-20 - Spring Break
March 25 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy birthday Owen, Neely, and Eden!
March 27 - "Peter and the Wolf" at the Lawrence Arts Center
March 31 - Family Fitness Fair - 6:00
April 4 - Bobcat Family Fun Run - Details coming soon!
April 14 - 2nd Grade Music Program
Monday, February 2, 2015
February News
Lots of things are going on in our classroom! We have wrapped up several units and are started many new things.
Last week, students finished math Unit 4. They did such a wonderful job learning to subtract larger numbers! Our current unit involves clocks and recording data. This week, students are working on how to read the time on both analog and digital clocks. Next week, we will begin looking at picture graphs and bar graphs and studying how they can be used to record data. As we get further into our unit, students will compose and answer word problems about data presented on a graph.
We are still working hard on narrative writing! This week, students are finishing up their collection of personal narrative rough drafts. Next week, each student will chose one piece he or she is particularly proud of to share at our publishing party. Our next Writer's Workshop unit is on opinion writing. Now would be a great time to start discussing issues kids might have opinions on at home!
In Social Studies last week, we took a few days to study the symbols of Kansas. Students participated in a group research project and presented information about an assigned symbol to the class. Their presentations were wonderful, and their posters are on display outside our classroom. Be sure to stop by if you are in the building! We are now beginning our next major science unit. For the next few weeks, students will be studying water. This week, we are looking at the different forms that water can take and locating where it can be found on Earth. Next week, we will start studying erosion and comparing methods that can be used to slow or prevent water from changing the shape of the land.
Now that winter assessments are complete, we are back to our normal routines for reading groups, math groups, and spelling units of study. As always, please let me know if you have any questions about curriculum or your child's progress. Please make note of the following dates on your calendars. As always, thank you for all you do to support our classroom! Have an excellent week!
February 13 - Valentine party
February 16-18 - Book Fair (Pancake Feed on February 17 at 5:00)
February 18 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy Birthday, Jaden and Jack!
February 20 - No School
February 25 - Birthday Breakfast - Happy Birthday, Emma and Sofia!
February 25-26 - Parent Teacher Conferences
February 26-27 - No School
March 16-20 - Spring Break
March 31 - Family Fitness Fair
Thursday, January 15, 2015
January News
Happy New Year! 2015 has gotten off to a strong start in our classroom. We've been busy as always. Here's what's going on in second grade this month!
We are continuing unit 4 in math. Students have been learning many different strategies for subtracting two and three-digit numbers. We've looked at the traditional method of borrowing, and have also practiced counting up from the smaller number. Students are encouraged to subtract using whatever methods work best for them. Thank you for all your support at home with this important skill! Throughout the next week, we will practice using the strategies learned in trickier story problems, including those with multiple steps. There are several links to the right that are for math subtraction games. Check them out!
During our Writer's Workshop, students continue to practice writing personal narratives. Over the past couple of weeks, we have had discussions about writing with intent and using "tips and tricks" from well-known children's authors like Jane Yolen. Students are encouraged to use comparisons in their writing, look in different resources to find meaningful words that bring out the mood of a story, and revise writing to make it sound better and better. I love seeing the stories your 2nd graders are writing about their lives! We will wrap up our narrative writing unit in a few weeks.
In language arts, we continue to work with the 2nd grade sight word list in our classroom. We should be ready to begin our next spelling unit next Wednesday. During our read-aloud time, we are reading a variety of picture books that have been nominated for the 2015 Bill Martin Junior award. Our class will have the opportunity to vote on our favorite book the first week of February. It's been a lot of fun reading some new, great literature! We are also getting ready to begin one of my favorite books...Mr. Popper's Penguins.
This week, we are finishing up our unit on the "Wild West". Students have been learning about the historical significance of the Pony Express in the 1800s and comparing communication methods from that time period to communication methods today. For Social Studies next week, students will look at the life of Martin Luther King Junior. After that, we will move into our next big science unit. For the first time this year, second graders will be studying water. Students will work with assigned partners to prepare a short presentation for the class about an experiment that can be done with water. More information on this project will be coming home soon.
By the beginning of next week, I hope to be finished with January testing in reading and math. If you have questions about your child's progress that you would like to discuss before conferences at the end of February, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to talk with you!
Please make note of the following dates on your calendars. As always, thank you for all you do to support our classroom! Have a great afternoon!
January 16 - Bobcat Buck Party - Hot Cocoa Celebration
January 19 - No School - MLK Day
January 29 - Birthday Breakfast (moved to a Thursday this month) - Happy birthday, Kinsey and Elaina!
February 20 - No School
February 25-26 - Parent Teacher Conferences
February 26-27 - No School
We are continuing unit 4 in math. Students have been learning many different strategies for subtracting two and three-digit numbers. We've looked at the traditional method of borrowing, and have also practiced counting up from the smaller number. Students are encouraged to subtract using whatever methods work best for them. Thank you for all your support at home with this important skill! Throughout the next week, we will practice using the strategies learned in trickier story problems, including those with multiple steps. There are several links to the right that are for math subtraction games. Check them out!
During our Writer's Workshop, students continue to practice writing personal narratives. Over the past couple of weeks, we have had discussions about writing with intent and using "tips and tricks" from well-known children's authors like Jane Yolen. Students are encouraged to use comparisons in their writing, look in different resources to find meaningful words that bring out the mood of a story, and revise writing to make it sound better and better. I love seeing the stories your 2nd graders are writing about their lives! We will wrap up our narrative writing unit in a few weeks.
In language arts, we continue to work with the 2nd grade sight word list in our classroom. We should be ready to begin our next spelling unit next Wednesday. During our read-aloud time, we are reading a variety of picture books that have been nominated for the 2015 Bill Martin Junior award. Our class will have the opportunity to vote on our favorite book the first week of February. It's been a lot of fun reading some new, great literature! We are also getting ready to begin one of my favorite books...Mr. Popper's Penguins.
This week, we are finishing up our unit on the "Wild West". Students have been learning about the historical significance of the Pony Express in the 1800s and comparing communication methods from that time period to communication methods today. For Social Studies next week, students will look at the life of Martin Luther King Junior. After that, we will move into our next big science unit. For the first time this year, second graders will be studying water. Students will work with assigned partners to prepare a short presentation for the class about an experiment that can be done with water. More information on this project will be coming home soon.
By the beginning of next week, I hope to be finished with January testing in reading and math. If you have questions about your child's progress that you would like to discuss before conferences at the end of February, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to talk with you!
Please make note of the following dates on your calendars. As always, thank you for all you do to support our classroom! Have a great afternoon!
January 16 - Bobcat Buck Party - Hot Cocoa Celebration
January 19 - No School - MLK Day
January 29 - Birthday Breakfast (moved to a Thursday this month) - Happy birthday, Kinsey and Elaina!
February 20 - No School
February 25-26 - Parent Teacher Conferences
February 26-27 - No School
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